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Privacy Policy

APPSREPUBLIC AB. (hereinafter:  “AppsRepublic” or “Jalmoud” or Our or “We” or Us”is registered in Sweden and is committed to protect your personal information. This Data Protection Policy explains how AppsRepublic collects, processes and stores the information from you or other data subjects in the course of our business activities, including through AppsRepublic and Jalmoud websites.

As used in this policy, “Personal Information” means information that refers to, is related to, or is associated with an identified or identifiable individual or as otherwise may be defined by applicable law, such as a name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, information about activities directly linked to a person, such as that person’s location or IP information.

This Data Protection Policy may be revised or updated from time to time, and such changes shall come into effect from the moment Jalmoud notifies you of such changes and/or updates, either by email, notification on our website or any other reasonable manner.

For any questions regarding the collection, processing or use of personal information relating to you (as explained below) please contact us at: E-mail  info [@]

Table of Contents

General Principles of Our Data Protection

We are committed to ensuring that your personal information and the privacy of your data is protected according to the highest industry standards and practices, and in correspondence to Jalmoud’s relevant legal obligations.

This Policy explains your rights regarding the personal information Jalmoud collects, processes and uses, including via its websites, as well as Jalmoud’s use of safeguards to protect these rights, and further applies also to Jalmoud’s use of cookies and tracking tools, as specified in detail in our Cookies and Tracking Policy.

Your personal information will be collected and stored in a lawful manner, which will be reflected to you prior to such collection with full transparency and fairness. We collect and process your personal information in good faith, in a proportionate manner according to the declared purpose, and with the appropriate technical and organizational measures in line with the state-of-the-art measures, while taking into account the risks represented by our collection and processing and the nature of the personal information and data protected by us.

If any collection and processing of personal information will be carried out, in the course of Jalmoud’s business and provision of services, by external data processors on Our behalf, Jalmoud will require, within the framework of its contracts with such external processors, for them to comply with relevant legal data protection rules and legislation applicable to the services they provide to Jalmoud, prior to the transferring your personal information and data.

Important note: please refrain from logging in and making use of Our website, or otherwise providing Us with your personal information, if you do not consent to the collection, use, processing or disclosure of this data as set forth herein.

Your Rights to Limit our Collection and Processing

You have certain rights in relation to the Personal Information that we hold about you, as detailed below:

  • Consent – We will only process personal information if you have consented to such processing, unless We are otherwise legally authorized or obliged to collect and further process personal information relating to you any of your rights below. 

If we process data solely based on your informed consent, We will only use the data for the purposes stated in the consent procedure and within the scope outlined below.

  • Withdrawal of consent – You may revoke or withdraw your consent at any time by contacting and requesting so from us, at: E-mail info [@], and We will delete your personal information or data unless We are legally obliged or authorized to retain your personal information, including for ongoing legitimate business interests, which we will notify you in our response to your request, where applicable.  

Note that your notification of consent withdrawal may not be upheld by us for lack of relevant information provided by you, and we shall inform you accordingly if you wish to exercise.

  • The Right of Deletion (“To be Forgotten”) and Right of data Correction – You may also request the erasure or correction of all or part of your personal information that is held by us, by using this Erasure and Correction Request Form. Upon your request, We will accommodate your request and delete or correct your personal information or remove from part or all of our records, as per your request, as soon as reasonably possible and when technically feasible, unless there is an overriding legal interest or other authorized basis for the continuation of the data processing. 

The foregoing notwithstanding, Jalmoud will store just enough of your personal information to ensure that the restriction is respected in the future. Please be aware that in the event of deletion or correction of personal information upon your request, We may not be able to further provide the services you applied for through the website, in whole or in part: in so requesting, you irrevocably agree and waive any claim against Jalmoud’s inability to provide the services through the website. Note that your deletion/correction request may also be rejected by us for lack of relevant information provided by you.

  • Personal information of children and minors – We do not knowingly collect or process personal information relating to children and minors under the age of 16 years, unless We are legally obliged to do so by an authorized court or governmental authority order or writ or parental consent. If we become aware that personal information was transferred to us or collected by us relating to children and minors under the age of 16 years without the informed consent of a parent or legal guardian or according to a legal obligation from a court or governmental authority, We will delete such personal information without undue delay.

If the request for erasure of data relates to the personal information of a child or minor, please attach to the request adequate proof of your status as parent or guardian of the child or minor.

  • Transparency. You are entitled to ask us for information about what type of personal information about you has been collected online by Jalmoud. You are also entitled to obtain (in a commonly used and machine-readable form) and reuse your personal information as you have provided to us (via consent or contract performance) and which We process by automated means for your own purposes across different services and free of charge, subject to technical feasibility and lawfulness considerations. To do so, please contact us.

Note that your request may also be rejected by us for lack of relevant information provided by you.

  • Automated decision-making. Jalmoud shall not intentionally take any potentially damaging decision concerning you because of using automated processing operations without human intervention; and commits to giving you the opportunity to obtain human intervention in such a decision, express your point of view, and obtain an explanation of the decision by contacting us, at E-mail  info [@]

Note that your request may also be rejected by Jalmoud for lack of relevant information provided by you.

In the implementation of these data protection rights, Jalmoud is committed to providing a timely and transparent response to your requests, and upholding your right to contact us at: E-mail  info [@]

Information We Collect

The personal Information collected and used by Jalmoud is limited strictly to that data necessary for us to provide you with services you request in the course of our ongoing business while operating under our relevant legal and data protection legislation and regulations obligations.

Collection Occurs when You:

  1. Request that we Contact you.
  2. Subscription to receive our newsletter and updates.
  3. Request a Subscription to receive a free one-time scan for cyber  threats for a Company Domain;
  4. Visit our Website Cookies and Tracking tools provide us with data when you browse on our website.
  5. Send us your CV when applying for a Job at our Company;

What is the Personal Information do we collect:

  1. Personal Data: your full name,
  2. Contact Details: your telephone number, your email address,
  3. Your CV File when you e-mail it to our designated e-mail address.
  4. Automated Browsing Data from : Information about your computer, your web browser, mobile device, operating system, IP address, your location, website visit history including keywords and searches;

How We Protect Information

We implement generally accepted industry standards to maintain the safety of your Personal Information against loss, alteration, theft or access by unauthorized third parties when you enter, submit, or access your Personal Information and once we receive it. 

However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

We will not sell, share, transfer or use the data We collect from you for purposes other than those purposes stated expressly herein above.

Jalmoud deletes personal data where the business purpose for which the data was being collected or processed ceases to apply, or if applicable data protection rules require us to delete such personal data.

The above notwithstanding, Jalmoud will not be liable or responsible for any damage or loss resulting from the improper use or any breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data.

Third-Party Sites

Our website may contain links to third-party websites. We have no control over third-party sites or services, and all use of third-party sites or services is at your own risk. 

Jalmoud cannot accept responsibility for the privacy policies of any such third-party sites and such third-party websites are governed solely by such third parties’ privacy policies and you are advised to be careful and check any such third-party’s privacy policies and compliance with laws, prior to supplying them with any of your personal data to them.

Jalmoud is not responsible for content available by means of such third-party sites. Jalmoud does not endorse any products offered by third parties and we urge our users to exercise caution in using third-party services.

Data retention and deletion

Jalmoud deletes personal data where the business purpose for which the data was being collected or processed ceases to apply, or if applicable data protection rules require us to delete such personal data

However, we shall keep your personal data only as long as necessary to provide you with the Jalmoud Service and for legitimate and essential business purposes, such as maintaining the performance of the Jalmoud Service, making data-driven business decisions about new features and offerings, complying with our legal obligations, and resolving disputes, such as the following circumstances:

  • If there is an unresolved issue relating to your account, such as an outstanding credit on your account or an unresolved claim or dispute we will retain the necessary personal data until the issue is resolved;
  • Where we are required to retain the personal data for our legal, tax, audit, and accounting obligations, we will retain the necessary personal data for the period required by applicable law; and/or,

Where necessary for our legitimate business interests such as fraud prevention or to maintain the security of our users. The above notwithstanding, there are types of personal information that we will only keep for as long as you are a user of the Jalmoud Service, such as your e-mail address and other information sent as part of the newsletter subscription process, and we will delete them upon your expressed request to us, as mentioned above.

Transfer of Your Information:

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your Personal Information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our services, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential and to not use it for any purpose other than to fulfill their obligations to us. 

We may share you information with subcontractors and other partners that are located in countries abroad. All our subcontractors and other third parties will be subject to contractual obligations limiting their use of your Personal Information and subjecting their activities to the applicable data protection and privacy legislations applicable to your personal data. All our subcontractors will be subject to non-disclosure and non-use obligations.

Nevertheless, some countries may have levels of protection of personal and other information which are not at an adequate level of protection compared with what is provided in your country of residence or business.

We will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or behavior of any user suspected to have engaged in illegal behavior and thereby we may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others’ rights, property, or safety. However, non-personally identifiable user information may be provided to other parties for analytics, trends study, or other uses.

Your Personal Information may be made available to any to any legal successors of our Company, as part of a merger or sale transaction. If disclosure is made during the negotiations on any of the foregoing, we shall anonymize your identifiable personal information as part of a disclosure necessary during such a negotiation.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may revise this Policy from time to time, and such changes shall come into effect from the moment Jalmoud notifies you of such changes and/or updates, either by email, on the websites or in some other reasonable manner.

When we make material changes to this Policy, we’ll provide you with prominent notice as appropriate under the circumstances, e.g. by displaying a prominent notice within the Jalmoud website or by sending you an email message to that effect.

Comments and Questions: 

If you have any comments or questions about our Data Protection Policy, please contact us at  info [@]

Cookies and Tracking Policy

NOTE: For any issues of personal data protection, please refer to our Data Protection Policy. For any questions regarding the collection, processing or use of personal data relating to you (as explained below) please contact us, at: E-mail:  info [@]

What’s a cookie?

A cookie is a small file sent from a website or web-based interface, which is then stored by your web browser. When you return to the website or web-based interface, the information in the cookie can be used to recognize your last session. Cookies cannot install malicious software such as viruses on your device, and they do not store any of your personal data or account information.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to save and maintain users’ settings and selected preferences during browsing sessions, for saving repeating users’ preferences for future use (e.g. geographical location, currency preferences accessibility and language selections and preferences), and for statistical analysis of the performance and trends on our website or interfaces and for monitoring and identifying errors.

Where do cookies come from?

Cookies originate from two types of sources: first party and third-party. The classification whether a cookie is ‘first’ or ‘third’ party refers to the internet domain that is placing the cookie.

  • First-party cookies are those set by a website that is being visited by the user at the time.
  • Third-party cookies are cookies that are set by a domain other than that of the site being visited by the user. If a user visits a website and another entity sets a cookie through that site this would be a third-party cookie.

Opt-out: When you first visit the Websites and Personal Area, you will be given the option to accept or decline the use of cookies. You can also control the use of cookies at the individual browser level, and instructions for managing cookie usage can be found for the following browsers, at:

If you elect to remove/block our cookies, you may still use the website or interface, but your ability to use some features or areas therein may be impaired, limited or unavailable and you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive any claim or demand if such an action results in any of the website or our services becoming unavailable, impaired or non-functional.

Do Not Track/Privacy Mode

“Do not track” or “privacy mode” is a function that allows website users to opt out of being tracked by websites for any purpose including the use of analytics services, advertising networks and social platforms.

Do not track options are available in a few browsers including:

If you have enabled the “do not track” function in your browser, you will not be tracked, but this may impair your use of our website or interface. This is in addition to you opting-out of the aggregation and analysis of data for the website and booking interface’s statistics.

You hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive any claim or demand if employing any of the aforementioned modes on your browser results in any of the services becoming unavailable, impaired or non-functional.

Categories of cookies we use

There are two categories of cookies which are in use on our sites:

  • Session Cookies containing encrypted information to allow the system to uniquely identify you while you are visiting the Websites, Personal Area and Apps. Session cookies exist only during a singular online session and disappear from your computer when you close your browser or turn off your computer.
  • Persistent Cookies used to identify the fact that you are a repeating visitor or a new visitor to the Personal Area, and to identify and maintain your preferences, such as the selected language, your selected country of origin as of your last visit, in order to present the contents of the Personal Area in a personalized way according to your past selected preferences and browsing usage in order receive certain types of content. 

Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you have closed your browser or turned off your computer for varying periods of time, according to the duration of each cookie. They include such information as a unique identifier for your browser.

We place a high priority on the security and confidentiality of the information stored in the cookies we use, and we do not for example store any of your personal information through cookies, only automated data regarding your browsing history, IP address, your computer/mobile device, location, etc.

What kind of third-party cookies do we use?

  • Google Analytics

The Personal Area uses Google Analytics cookies.  These cookies collect information about how visitors use a website, for instance which pages visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages from web pages. These cookies do not collect information that identifies you. All the information that these cookies collect is anonymous and is only used to improve how the Personal Area works.

Information collected by the Google Analytics cookies will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States of America in accordance with its privacy practices. To see an overview of privacy at Google and how this applies to Google Analytics, please click here.

If you wish to Opt-out of our Google Analytics usage, you may download the browser plugin “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on” here which is compatible with your web browser.

  • Hubspot

Jalmoud uses HubSpot _ Inbound marketing and CRM platform to collect data on its users in order to tailor the webpage according to users’ information and preferences.

Can I withdraw consent for the use of cookies or tracking tools?

If you wish to withdraw your consent, you can choose to opt-out of cookies at any time by managing and/or deleting your cookies using your internet browser settings.

Additional information on cookies in general:

A number of websites provide detailed information on cookies, including and

Updates to our Policy

We update our Cookies Policy from time to time, if we introduce a new cookie or tracking tool which processes new information or wish to process the information collected by your cookies and tracing tools in a new manner, we shall notify you and ask you to consent to this updated processing or new cookie or tracking tool.